In only 12 days, the latest installation of the Twilight saga has grossed $500 million-a new record!
The story idea for this mega-hit sensation bit Stephenie Meyer on the neck…in her dream!
Stephenie Meyer was a stay-at-home mom who dabbled with writing from time to time and was certainly not into vampire stories at all. However, one night, she had the following dream:
Two people are having an intense conversation in a meadow in the woods. One of these people is just your average girl. The other person is this fantastically beautiful, sparkly vampire. They are discussing the difficulties inherent in the facts that A) they are falling in love with each other while B) the vampire is particularly attracted to the scent of her blood, and is having a difficult time restraining himself from killing her immediately.
This dream was so vivid that Stephenie began to write what became the mega-hit Twilight. This led to the next book in the Twilight series...then the next...then the next...and the rest is history. To date she has sold over 116 million copies in 50 countries. Can you imagine what would have happened if she had shrugged off her stroke of genius as “just a dream?”
I pray that, at the very least, you are now sold on the fact that your dreams come bearing riches. I also pray that you are inspired to no longer take your dreams lying down, nor leave them on your pillow…but will honor them and carry them across the threshold into your waking life.