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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Part II: My Wedding, The Hurt Locker and a Hot, Smart, Talented Blond

Kelly's interpretation of Somer's dream...

Somer, I love your humor and flair for the dramatic…even in your dreams!

First of all, it is perfectly normal to have anxiety dreams about the big “W” day. There are chat rooms overflowing with explosive plotlines like yours that would give Quentin Tarantino nightmares. We can attribute this phenomena to relationship PTSD combined with the fact that as little girls we were spoon fed Disney-esque propaganda disguised as cream puffs about our wedding day. All of this has conspired to lead even the most rational among us to unconsciously believe that our stroll down the aisle is, in fact, the reason we were born. Don’t get me wrong. Choosing the right man to marry is a BIG deal—not a process to sleepwalk through. However, there is a ridiculous amount of self-imposed pressure on we western gals to pick the right mate, create the world’s greatest wedding, and don’t get me started on the hunt for the perfect Vera Wang wedding dress!

My advice to you, Somer dear, is to see your nightmare—as frightening as it is—as your ally. It is clinically proven that nightmares are our subconscious mind’s attempt to heal trauma from the past and avoid unpleasant and life-threatening experiences in our future. But, wait, there’s more! Your frightmare is encoded with the formula you need not just to survive this type of explosive situation, but, to thrive in the domain of relationship. In just the same way that snake venom contains the properties of its anti-venom, the solution to not just have the “killer” wedding, but the “killer” (as in awesome) relationship is smack dab in the center of this scary dream.
Anyhoo, I believe this venting dream is one that can help you (if you allow it) blow your worst wedding/relationship issues to smithereens! Perhaps what is truly being “destroyed” in this dream is your mistrust of your ability to choose a caliber of man worthy of the amazing being that is you. My hunch is that times are radically ch-ch-changing for Ms. Somer Lynn Cooper. In order to transform things efficiently, sometimes we need a bomb to go off. Interestingly, the Chinese character for chaos is the same symbol for opportunity. In other words, you are being ALTERED so that new opportunities may be revealed in your (love) life!

From a Jungian perspective, every character in the dream is you (please don’t shoot the messenger—blame it on Carl Jung, may he rest in peace!) Consider there is a socialite aspect of you that might rather drink and clink stemware in Great Gatsby style than face and embrace any immanent threats to your heart’s well-being. There is the beer-crushing ex—perhaps the lower-self aspect—not present because of a fixation on the past. The insurgent aspect that may represent your inner saboteur. The good news is that the insurgent’s plans of mass destruction are really just a mass distraction…a relatively benign explosion that you survive—and your indoor pool (your beliefs/thoughts/attachments/ideologies regarding all things marriage/wedding/relationship) remains in tact! Ha! Brandon, your fabulous (real) hairdresser-aspect of self, saves the day. He represents the real part of you who sees you, understands you, as he tends to the tendrils of your higher thoughts.

By the way, having your hair done in a dream (even anticipating getting your hair done) represents a new outlook or way of thinking. In fact, in a Blessing Way, a ceremony with Native American roots that prepares a woman for her wedding day, it is traditional to have the woman of honor’s tresses tended to and rearranged. This represents the infusion of new wisdom and the preparation for a new identity to emerge. Hello! That’s what I believe this dream is all about!
Don’t sweat the fact that the chaotic parade of all your past hurts represented by the wedding party wedding marched on obliviously without you, including the Pepto-Dismal—oops I mean Bismol— bridesmaids (and who can’t relate to a little Schadenfreude!) This means that whole nightmare is no longer yours to struggle with!

What I love best about your dream is how proactive you are. You are not a damsel in distress (or in dis dress, as my New Yawk friends would say.) NO! You are the hero (She-ro) that takes matters into her own hands—prevailing against all odds. This tells me you are not just ready, but willing and ABLE to totally transform your past programming and re-create not only your hair, but your relationship to yourself, and to the whole concept of marriage. Eligible bachelors of the world be warned!
Let your dream’s final words lead you into peaceful slumber tonight:
 I exhale. I take rescue that at least someone will understand me.
With wisdom like that, you may never need a nerve pill again!
Sweet dreams,
Doctor Dream

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