Our unedited, unscripted, unrated, uncensored, graphic, high-speed, high-tech, sometimes-violent and XXX dreams toss out the G-rated niceties of our public persona. In our nighttime dream theater, our small voice of intuition and authenticity gets a bullhorn and runs the show without constraints.
Dancing wildly in the grey matter of today's dreamer are such symbols as: blog, life coach, laptop, Twitter, terrorist, eBay, Tivo and Starbucks. Instead of a horse and carriage, a modern dreamer might dream of a fuel-efficient hybrid car zipping past gridlock traffic in a HOV lane. Instead of penning a letter with a quill, you might dream of sitting in an Internet cafe emailing a friend. Instead of surfing the ocean blue, you might dream of surfing the Web and meeting Mr. or Mrs. Right on Match.com. Understanding the symbolism behind these 21st-century words will help you keep up with your dreams that are trying desperately to keep up with you!
After the jump, the top 10 dream symbols today's dreamer dreams about most -- explained.
10. Spam
Dreams about spam signify a lack of boundaries and that you are being inundated with energy that you don't want from people that you don't enjoy. If this is the case, then your dream is giving you permission to set clear boundaries with people in your life. If you dream of being the one sending the spam, then this could be a message for you to reestablish integrity in your communication and be more respectful of other people's boundaries.

A dream about Oprah Winfrey represents altruism, inspiration, and that you are exalting your gifts for the benefit of all. Synonymous with Oprah is "Remember your spirit"; becoming all that you can be, materially, physically, and spiritually.
8. IVF
Dreams of In Vitro fertilization represents that you are asserting your will in the creation of a baby, project, or relationship. You are not taking "No" for an answer with regards to the obstacles and challenges you face in creating and fulfilling your desires.
7. iTunes/iPod
Because music represents a medium that greatly influences feelings, moods, attitudes and thoughts, dreams of an I-pod represent that your ability to have mastery and control of your emotions, moods and thoughts is in the palm of your hand.
6. Match.com
Dreams about match.com (or any Internet dating website) represent your desire to meet someone special and to expand your circle of possibilities. This dream also signifies your awareness that you are connected to a much larger playing field than your normal day to day reality. You are looking for love, feeling lucky, and hopeful that love is on the way.
5. eBay
Dreams about shopping or selling on E-Bay represent your connection with the world and with unlimited opportunity. Pay attention to the feeling tone of this dream to see whether it is telling you to monitor your shopping, or to prepare for a great opportunity. Consider what you are shopping for, what you are selling, and/or if retail therapy is really going to fix you.
4. Hybrid Car
Dreams about a fuel efficient car represent a desire to conserve energy, and are an indication that you are globally aware, mature, responsible, conscious, and mindful of natural resources, namely your natural resources (time and money).
3. Email/Internet
Dreams about e-mail represent communication and a desire to reach out and touch someone. E-mail can also represent a kind of aloof intimacy and/or unwanted communication. Dreams of the internet represent having the world at your fingertips, and your connectivity to everything, everyone, all the time; a net in which all solutions you seek are caught.
2. Text Message / IM
Dreams of a text message signify a desire to connect and to stay in touch with someone from afar. You have a desire to get to the point, clarity, and to spell out what it is you want to communicate.
1. Cell Phone (iPhone, Blackberry)
Dreams of a cell phone represent telepathic communication. Significant aspects of this dream are the person you are calling, and/or who is calling you, whether or not you are able to reach him or her, and the status of your connection (four bars, three, two or one, or none). What you say or what is being said is of utmost importance.
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