For most of us women, relationships take up the lion's share of our lives, so it would stand to reason that our conscious, as well as our subconscious, minds are absorbed with relationship thoughts, strategies, tools to hook him, understand him -- sometimes even make him over.
Most of our nocturnal sojourns are a constant stream of subtle (or blatant as a foghorn) clues to navigate the sea of love in the most opportune way. The following are the five most common dreams among committed women and how they might assist you in making your relationship more sea-worthy:
Driving in a Car Together
What it means: Time to make plans for the next leg of your journey.
Driving in a car in a dream represents your body, your identity, as well as the status of your relationship. If you are driving, then you've got the "drive" to take the wheel of your relationship's direction. Basically, you are the Alpha -- in control. However, if your partner is driving the car (even though you know you are capable), you are letting him be the "man with the plan" -- allowing him to be in charge. This dream may be telling you it's time to consult your relationship's GPS and make sure you are aligned on your plans for the future.
Sharing a Meal Together
What it means: Feed your relationship the nutrients it hungers for (time, attention, romance ... sex?)
Dreams of food represent nourishment and influence, making it the perfect metaphor for what you are "feeding" your relationship. You may be hungering for a certain type of nurturing and affection in your relationship. If you are the one dishing it out on a silver platter, you're the one giving the TLC. If you are eating the food, you are receiving the nourishment, energy, stimulation, and/or praise. If you both enjoy the meal you are sharing in your dream, then you have a recipe for success (i.e., the two of you are "ingesting" shared values, customs and belief systems).
Overcoming Obstacles Together
What it means: Don't give up!
If you dream of being Indiana Jones & Joanne in your dreams, ducking beneath tidal waves, side-stepping earthquakes, parachuting to safety through an avalanche, then you've probably been going through a major troubling period together. If you make it through the drama together in your dream, then your relationship is strong in good weather and in foul. Your dream may be forecasting that once you emerge victorious from your current drama you will soon reap the benefits of your ability to unite through difficult times, making your bond unbreakable. Some of the best relationships are forged in the heat of life's greatest challenges.
Playing the Field
What it means: Time to take the monotony out of monogamy
Don't be alarmed -- it doesn't mean what you think. Dreams of SWOP (sex with other people) symbolize your desire, creativity and passion. (Aren't you relieved?) Consider that these dreams might be helping you to express your unsatisfied or secret physical attractions, longings and desires -- in a completely "safe" arena where no one gets hurt! Dreams of intercourse also represent connection, acceptance, affinity, love and the embracing and melding of the qualities of the person or people involved in the act. So, if you dream of having sex with, say, Jeffery Dean Morgan, you are reaching out and touching (figuratively speaking) an idyllic masculine (i.e., strong, capable, heroic) aspect of yourself. The same holds true if your beloved is gallivanting around town (in his dreams) with Kim Kardashian.
Getting Married
What it means: Preview of coming attractions
Dreams of marriage represent integration and the embrace of opposites, as well as a possible rehearsal for your actual big day! Your subconscious mind may be helping you to prepare for this potential life-altering event, or it could be prepping for a deeper level of commitment.
If you dream of marrying or of being married to an ex, it may simply mean that you are realizing your profound connection to a cherished part of YOU that was prominent back then. Also, you may be highlighting the wisdom you earned and learned from your past intimate entanglements.
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