Have you dreamed about losing your purse, credit card, or wallet lately? According to FOX Business many people are having these dreams. As I say often, "Our dreams are our allies." Wouldn't you rather dream of losing your wallet and wake up feeling relieved that it was only a dream, than to have to process that nightmare in real life? I would.
I just overheard an interview with Oprah Winfrey where she adamantly says the exact opposite. She said she would rather work her drama in real life so that she can have a pleasant night's rest.
Actually, our indigenous grandmothers and grandfathers would probably agree with the former queen of daytime. Many dreaming tribes believed the purpose of our activities in our waking lives were to assist us in becoming strong dreamers. For example, if there was a conflict, they would work it out before sleeping on it (if possible); they wouldn't eat a heavy meal before bedtime because it would interfere with the dreamtime; and they would work hard enough during the day to be able to enjoy their rest. If they overworked or underworked that would have an adverse affect on their dreaming.
I, personally, take a both/and perspective. Why not work out the drama head on wherever and however it comes in. I do my darndest (I say darndest when I feel the nearness of my beloved Grandpa Bishop--Hi Grandpa!) to look for the gift whenever there is a challenge. And I mostly find the blessing rather quickly...which accounts for a relative peacefullness by day and by night.
Here's a sneak preview of my recent interview with FOX Business.com...I hope it gives you a bit of insight about your $$$ related dreams:
If your dreams include losing your credit card, falling and never hitting bottom or getting lost in a forest, experts say these nocturnal adventures may actually be a window into your financial stability, future and decision making.
Kelly Sullivan Walden, a hypno therapist, dream coach and author of "I Had the Strangest Dream ... the Dreamer's Dictionary for the 21stCentury," says the increased financial strain of the past few years have led to an increase of money-related dreams.
When two worlds collide
Walden says since money is a very real and central aspect of your life, it's no wonder you dream about having it, getting it, losing it or hoarding it.
"This may be a reflection of what is literally playing out in your real life. Or, because dreams are clever, it could be an indicator of something a little less obvious," says Walden.
Read more: http://www.foxbusiness.com/personal-finance/2011/04/21/money-problems-dreams/
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