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Monday, April 25, 2011

How to Feng Shui Your Way to Sweeter Dreams

If you desire to "sleep your way to success," you need to set yourself up for success by turning your dream zone into a dream sanctuary.

When you sleep you are in your most vulnerable, suggestible state of being. By preparing yourself (and your dream sanctuary) in the moments prior to sleep and upon awakening, you will discover one of the fastest ways to become a stronger dreamer, and in so doing, positively affect your waking.

Don't worry -- this can be done with just a few simple adjustments. As my friend Marie Diamond, the world famous feng shui expert says, "It is a whole lot easier to move furniture around than it is to change your mental programming."

According to the ancient Chinese system of feng shui, a dream sanctuary is one in which there is a harmonious flow of nourishing and sensual energy. It lures you in while evoking a peaceful-feeling tone of joyous well-being. In a dream sanctuary you feel nurtured, replenished and safe enough to let your guard down all the way, whether for a cat nap, a full-night's sleep or for passion beneath the sheets.

To create a dream sanctuary according to feng shui, you can use a variety of simple feng shui tips below as they relate to your five senses. To ensure a nourishing flow of energy, make sure your bed is in the commanding position in your room (an indirect view of the bedroom door from a reclining position where you sleep) and can easily be approached from both sides.

For a sense of safety and deep ease, ensure there isn't anything heavy hanging on the wall over your head or on the wall behind you while you sleep (i.e., a large mirror, framed piece of art or hanging plant).

To support a peaceful feeling of relaxation remove any electronic appliances like a TV, stereo, workout equipment or computers). If you must have them in the bedroom, then cover them with a swatch of attractive fabric or a room divider when not in use.

Your Sense of Sight:

• To promote balance, have bedside nightstands (tables) on each side of the bed.

• For a sense of calm and order, keep bedroom doors closed at night as well as the doors to an adjoining bathroom, closets and drawers.

• A warm, sensual environment is created by having dim lighting in the bedroom.

• Candles are a wonderful source of lighting; however, be sure to buy candles with no toxins.

• If possible use a dimmer switch to adjust the glow accordingly.

Use soothing colors to achieve a good feng shui balance in your bedroom. Many feng shui experts suggest that you use "skin colors" to achieve a feeling of peace and calm. (These colors range from pale white to rich chocolate brown ... whichever feels most soothing to you.)

Your Sense of Smell:

According to scientist, Boris Stuck, from University Hospital Mannheim in Germany, the quality of air in your bedroom is very important.

• To keep fresh air flowing in your dream sanctuary, open the windows and draw the shades during the day.

• If you are unable to open the windows, then get an air-purifier to keep the air fresh.

• Use essential oils and candles to create a pleasant scent in the air.

• Lavender or jasmine aromatherapy stimulates the mind/body connection to reduce stress levels, release positive energy, encourage healing and enhance sweet dreams.

Your Sense of Hearing:

• Allow white noise such as a fan or air purifier to block out jarring or distracting sounds.

• Ensure that if you listen to the radio or watch a television program, make sure that it is calming and empowering. The words you hear and the sounds you take in as you drift off to sleep are very important.

• In other words, don't fall asleep with the television on; the abrupt sounds such as slamming doors, sirens, or even the dialogue will disrupt you from having the most restful sleep possible.

Your Sense of Touch:

• For a secure feeling as you sleep make sure your bed has a good mattress, with solid headboard and high quality sheets from natural fibers that feel soft, fuzzy, or silky to your skin.

• For maximum comfort, adjust the temperature in the room (with additional blankets if it tends to be chilly or a fan if it tends to be cool) to make sure the air is just right for you.

(This one has nothing to do with feng shui ... but we can't leave your taste buds out of the equation, can we?)

• Make sure to brush your teeth before bedtime and use mouthwash to keep your breath as fresh as possible as you sleep ... especially after a midnight snack.

Your Sense of Taste:

• To quench your thirst in the middle of the night, make sure to have a glass of water by your bedside.

• Stay away from drinking fruit juice in the middle of the night, as the sugar creates an unpleasant aftertaste; that, of course, will affect your dreams.

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